Secure the Future of Astronomy by Opening Young Minds to the Possibilities in the Night Sky

Take a young mind on your journey to the beginning of the universe and you'll be helping to secure the future of astronomy and possibly humankind. The young minds of the world are the future and will be making the important choices in the century of the environment. The experiences they undertake at this critical age will lay the foundation for everything they believe throughout their lives. Once they lay their head upon the cold earth and their mind embraces the immensity of the night sky above them. They'll may realise just how small and diminutive the Earth and life-on-earth, really is, and the importance of protecting the planet, for all life.

Make it a family affair and take the wife and kids out into the wilderness. Set up your time machine to the stars and take the family on a journey to the beginning of the universe. On a clear night the night sky will open the young mind to the universe and the immensity of space and time. Point out larger, more visible celestial objects first, and then you can slowly introduce the harder to view celestial bodies, as their mind begins to digest the information and grasp the concepts involved and their consciousness expands in response to the possibilities before their eyes.

By opening a young mind to the universe in the night sky, you're opening their consciousness to the possibilities before their eyes and helping them put everything in the universe in realistic-proportion in their young minds, and you could in the end be giving them a useful tool for survival in the battle for survival on planet Earth. At the same time, you're helping to breathe life into astronomy, and contributing to the general understanding of the true role humans play and could play in coming cosmic events in the century of the environment.

Start with the basic celestial objects in the solar system, and save the longer space trips and abstract objects and concepts, until a later time in your journey to the beginning of the universe. Before you know it, your young ones will be asking to journey to some far off part of the universe they have only heard mentioned in whispers, and their journey will really begin.

By taking a journey to the beginning of the universe you could inadvertently be creating the desire to venture out into the universe to witness the awesomeness of the night sky in person and the birth of a space explorer that will alter the course of human history. Helping to protect the Earth, all living things, and shape the future of humankind, in your own little way.